My Journey

My Journey started in March 8th 2013 while I was having a routine mammogram done. While I was waiting to be told I could leave, the nurse came in and asked me to follow her. I new at that moment that something was wrong and immediately started to worry. It was hard to keep it together while the nurse explained what they had found and that I would have to have an MRI to confirm if it was something to be concerned about. I remember leaving and just sitting in my car shocked. After all the tests where I told I had stage 0 Ductal Carcinoma Aggressive. At that moment I thought I am going to die, I had a lumpectomy with sentinal nodes removed. I was told that my margins were clear and no nodes involved. I was relieved. In May 2013 I had my surgery, the results came back from the surgery I was told that there was no need for chemo, the doctor asked if I would like to take part in a trial, so I thought to myself if I can help someone else going through this deadly disease then I would be glad to help. I waited roughly 3 weeks for the results to come back from the states. When I went back to see the doctor, he told me that my cancer was very aggressive and that I needed to have chemo. I was shocked. At first I said no way, then I decided that I wanted to see my son get married someday and that if I didn't do the treatment then for sure I would not see him married with kids. On August 14 2013 my chemo started, 6 rounds and 21 days radiation. Now I am free and clear hopefully for ever. I would very much like to thank my family, my dear friend Sandra Tuttle for I could not have done this without them. It was a rough year, but now better days. I now eat right and am active every single day. Life is good!!!

Tracy Grant
Ottawa, Canada