My Journey

On Feb 26th 2009 I went in to see my doctor, I remember when I booked the appointment I said that I needed him to "reassure me about something". For many months I could feel this very large lump on my left breast. Let me first say that I am an RN, that works in a doctors office. I deal with doctors that assess women my age (35) and constantly reassure them that the lumps they feel are just cyclic lumps. I would make comments about my lump and it would be fluffed off. So, I just chalked it down to that I was just a neurotic nurse because I work in a doctors office and see all sorts of things....
Anyway, I went in to see my GP, he assessed me thoroughly and then ordered a rushed mammogram. (Which I had the next day). That day was a Friday. I went in for my very first mammogram. The procedure itself took almost an hour, and then the tech took it upon herself to do an ultrasound. I spent the weekend worrying and fussing and late Monday morning I called the ultrasound place (I knew them well there, since I work for doctors) and asked them if they could possibly rush the report. By 2 that afternoon my doctor's secretary called me into the office ASAP. I knew the results wouldn't be good.
Eventually after a core biopsy I was diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer. I was advised to have a mastectomy given the size of the tumor. I had a left radical mastectomy with the removal of 18 lymph nodes on March 30th 2009. 8 of these lymph nodes were positive for metastatic cancer, I had an aggressive stage 3 breast cancer. After healing I went to the cancer clinic and went through 6 rounds of chemo, then 40 rounds of radiation.
I am almost at 5 years and doing well, with a few minor hiccups. It is a tough journey but once diagnosed you go into survival mode and you fight the biggest fight of your life!

Jennifer Lamondin
Stratford, Canada