My Journey

I was diagnosed with Paget's disease, cancer of the nipple, in May 2010 at 24 weeks pregnant. I am 36 years old. I had a left mastectomy at 26 weeks pregnant to learn I had a 6.5cm tumor and 3 positive lymph nodes (of 29 taken). I delivered our beautiful baby girl early at 34 weeks, and began treatment a week later. I am going for my 8th round of chemo this week, and will continue with Herceptin, radiation, tamoxifin and reconstructive surgery in the months to come.

I am blessed to be alive and "cancer free" and I am enjoying every minute with my friends, my family, and my beautiful baby girl.

Reading through all the wonderful stories makes me happy and hopeful, but it also saddens me that so many people at all ages are dealing with this terrible disease.

Please share your story to help fund research to find a cure for this disease.

All the best to each of you in your journey!

Maple Ridge, Canada