my journey

In early 2005 i found a lump in my right breast and thankfully it ended up being a cyst and it was drained. After that i did self exames and march of 2013 another lump was found in my left breast. I thought it was another cyst so i made an appt. The routine was the same, mammogram, ultra sound but they added a biopsy this time. I knew at that point something was wrong. April 10th 2013 i got the call, the Dr. needed to see me and i was informed i had invasive ductal carcinoma. Everythjng after that went pretty fast, when i met with the surgeon and went through all the tests i was then told i had Triple negative breast cancer, stage 2b, grade 3 with a 3.5 cm. tumor. The course of action was lumpectomy, chemo, then radiation. I did 4 rounds of AC, 4 rounds of taxol, and 6 weeks of radiation, the chemo was rough and i had a lot of side effects, i spent the night in the hospital due to the taxol, it just was not a easy time for me. I lost my hair but that seemed like a small price to pay for something that is going to save my life! I am done with all my treatments, i am figuring out what my new normal is going to be. I am dealing with the after effects of chemo and that for me is achy joints, chemo brain and some extra weight. This journey has taught me i am stronger than i thought, and if i can do this so can you! The journey is tough but with the help from my wonderful husband and family i made it through! keep fighting, never give up!! Be a strong warrior!

rancho cordova, CA