.....my journey...

August of 2012 I reported an engorgement type feeling in my left breast, I related it to the feeling prior to menstrual. I underwent a stat Mammogram followed by an Ultrasound where I was told by a physician that it was highly likely I had breast cancer. My biopsy report came back 10 days later and in black & white I read of my diagnosis of Breast Cancer. I will never forget the feeling I had after reading the biopsy report.

My husband, mother and children are what stayed on my mind. My physician said to me during our visit after being diagnosed...."You have to stay positive and strong so that your body will be able to do what you need it to do..........which is to get rid of this the best way possible." and I have always kept this as my building and stepping stone in my fight with Breast Cancer.

I immediately let family and the close knit community I lived in know that I was diagnosed. I pleaded and asked for assistance in helping my children, husband and mother deal with this frightening diagnosis and to maintain as much normalcy and routine in their lives. I asked for help to help my loved ones stay positive, I asked for privacy for my children, husband and mother..... My family & community delivered. After 8 rounds of 4 very powerful chemicals I completed chemotherapy on May 6th, 2013. My surgery was in July, pathology was optimal. 25 rounds of radiation were completed in September 2013. A year ago on Christmas Eve I awoke to find my hair on my pillow......this year on this day I have hair growing back. I still have ongoing biological therapy (Herceptin) the good thing is .........I made it through. I have been tested for the Breast Cancer Gene & awaiting results. My message - Breast Cancer can happen to anyone, I just happened to be the one. With yearly mammograms and self-exams it can be caught at an early stage thus increasing one's chances of survival, please be diligent and make yourself a priority.

Fredericton, Canada