My journey

January 16, 2014, I found a lump in my left breast. I'm 47. I saw my Doctor on February 3, 2014. I told her my first mammogram done in May 30, 2012 was clear and I explained that my Mother had Breast Cancer currently. She asked how old she was. I told her she was 73. She said due to my Mothers age and no other Breast Cancer history, that my lump was most likely benign. She did a breast exam, and felt it was benign. She said, “Good news, right? You can stop worrying now." Somehow I felt that she was very wrong. She ordered a diagnostic Mammogram which I had done on February 11, 2014. An ultrasound was done and I was meeting with my Breast Surgeon on February 17, 2014. She did a breast exam and a biopsy. My fear was confirmed. I had invasive and in situ ductal carcinoma. I did not cry or break down, I had mentally prepared myself for the diagnosis. The hard part was telling my family.I met with my Oncologist, on February 26, 2014, We discussed options. I chose to have a lumpectomy followed by chemotherapy. My lumpectomy was done on March 14, 2014. I would learn later, that I was Stage 2B and was ER+ PR+, HER2-, and BRACA 1 and 2 -. I got a call that my margins were clear on my pathology report. My relief was short lived. There was a mistake, my margins were NOT clear. It was radiation to site or re excise my initial lumpectomy site. I opted for the second,which was done April 18, 2014. My margins were again NOT clear. Mastectomy was my only option, with 4 rounds of chemo prior to surgery. I opted for bilateral mastectomy with breast reconstruction. August 8, 2014 my surgery was done. A second surgery is scheduled for December 4, 2014, to remove expanders and place breast implants. I am cancer FREE. Thankful for my family and friends who were with me every step I took! Be strong! There is hope, stay the course! God bless!!!

Lynne M.
Wichita, KS