My Journey

March 10th, 2009 I heard the words you have cancer. I was surprised I have no breast cancer in my family and I justed turned 37 years old. I had 6 months of chemo, a masectomy and the 25 rounds of radiation. I still have herception treatments every 21 days and I am on my way to reconstruction. I would not every want to relive the last 12 months of my life but I have recieved so many blessings that if it was not for the cancer I am not sure I would have ever discovered all of them. My friends have been nothing short of amazing...taking me to treatment, looking after my kids. The families at my school made supper every night for my family for 8 months. The support I have recieved has been overwhelming. I can never thank the people who have help me enough but I can pay it forward. In the last 8 months with the help of family and friends I have raised $10,000 for breast cancer research. Each day I know that I am one of the fortunate ones that can say "I am a breast cancer SURVIVOR!"

Alana Doucette
Dartmouth, Canada