my journey

In April of 1999 i went to have my yearly mammogram done like I was supposed to. When at the clinic-I had my mammogram and was told to wait until someone looked at my films. When the technician returned, I felt a sense that something was wrong. Sure enough, I received a call 2 days later asking me to return for a second mammogram.When I got to the clinic this time, My heart felt heavy, I kept thinking to myself, Theres is nothing wrong. Again I was told to wait until they looked at my film, so I did. This time when the technician returned, I definitley felt by the tone in her voice and the look she gave me, that there was something wrong. While busy at work, I received a call from my doctor, I had the C-word! I kept telling him no over and over, and at that point he said--hold on--let me explain.the type of cancer you have is slow growing and if taken care of immediatley-we are pretty sure we can get all of it and things will be fine. FINE I thought,you just told me I had cancer! The next few days before seeing the doctor, things moved at a very slow pace for me--in my mind, i kept saying, I HAVE CANCER! the thoughts and things that went through my mind were overwhelming!! After surgery and radiation treatments I am now CANCER FREE for over 10 years! Without the wisdom and knowledge of all the professionals--things may have taken a drastic turn in my life that year!! I am VERY happy and thankful everyday that there are places we can go people we can see and talk to--to help all who have to go through this in their lives!

Melvindale, MI