My journey with Infammatory Breast Cancer!

I was diagnosed with IBC May 16, 2009 2 weeks before my 40th birthday. I found a lump under my arm and at first didn't give it much thought, took it to my PC doctor who sent me for a mammogram which I have been getting for a few years now. The mammo came back negative, so he sent me to a surgeon to get the lump removed. That's when I found out it was cancer and not a very nice on...

A couple of days before my surgery my breast became very hot and red and swollen, discolored and husband hugged me and said I can feel your breast it's I looked up the symptoms on the internet I had EVERY symptom under IBC...I had myself diagnosed, scared to death and dead in 6 months before I went for my results.

My surgeon confirmed my diagnoses of IBC then asked me what cancer center I wanted to go to...Cancer center how do I know I never in a million years visioned myself having to choose a cancer center. He said I'm going to send you to MDA Orlando. He said but they are going to want a port and a biopsy so let's get that done tomorrow, more then likely the course of treatment with start with Chemotherapy which I started my 1st visit.

I went for my 16 rounds of chemo, 12 every week, 4 every 3 weeks, then the surgery, I choose a bilateral mastectomy due to the type of cancer I had. Surgery was Nov 24th all went very well.

What helped me thru this is I never asked my cancer stage, I had an idea but never ask for confirmation, I NEVER missed one appt or treatment. I finished radiation last week!

Debra Roberts
Winter Springs, FL