my journey with breast cancer

In Dec of 2008 i got a phone call from the doctor that i had stage three breast cancer , i had five and half months of chemo,lumpatumy, breast reductatoin and six and ahalf weeks of radition , i though all was fine but in nov of 2009 ihad stage one lung cancer , i thought omy god i cant go through any more ,so i decided that i needed a higher power to believe in , so started going to church i found a lot of peace there and confort . i go to support groups ,it helps to talk to people who have cancer too .i helpout at the churches food bank it makes me feel good to help ihad my second mamogram and so for no more cancer , so there is hope all you have to do is believe it was hard for me to belive that i could servive cancer but hopfully ican i have to have a cat scan on my lung at the end of this month i pray that it will be ok , God bless all that has cancer and their familys

Kathy Amlin
Boise, ID