My Journey to Life!

My name is Maria and I am a survivor, Oct of 2006 I was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 35. How I found out was my doctor ask me if I ever had a baseline mammogram done. I never knew that existed and when my doctor explained it was for women under 40 to get checked out early, I told my doctor that I would have it done. Well I lost the first prescription given to me, so when I went for my annul exam she asked me about the baseline, I explained how I lost the paper and she wrote me up a new one. And this time I went.

I had my mammogram done and they found something. I remember this day like yesterday, I was at work and my doctor called and told me she had good and bad news. I was like " Oh no! whats wrong?" She told me, I had breast cancer that was the bad part, but the good news was, it was caught pre-cancer. I was given my option on what I wanted to do. All I could do was cry and then I got myself together and said I want this out of my body.

On January 9, 2007 I had a tram-flap done. I don't regret anything the surgery I chose, I am glad my cancer was caught on time and I am glad I was able to have reconstruction. If it wasn't for that baseline mammogram I probably would be in the late stage.

It is now Feb. 2010, I am here and in remission. I get to see my grand baby be born in Aug. of 2010. I am so excited!!!!

Kissimmee, FL