My Journey My Victory

The year 2010 was a year Iike no other year! My mother was diagnosed with Lung Cancer on April 6. I found a lump in my right breast on May 6.My Aunt Brenda passed away from Liver Cancer August 9th. My Aunt Arlene passed away from Ovarian Cancer on August 23rd.I went for my mammogram and fine needle aspiration also in the month of August, the lump indeed was there but it was benign. It returned in September aspirated again, benign again. On October 15th I lost my MOTHER to Lung Cancer, this blow hurt me to the core. She was my everything! The lump returned November, aspirated again, again benign. It returned again in December, I went to have it aspirated AGAIN on December 29th ONLY TO BE TOLD I HAVE BREAST CANCER! All I could think of were my 3 children and brothers and sisters who had just endured losing our Mom and their Grandmother. I then started to speak to God and ask why, but my why turned into OKAY GOD I'M READY TO FIGHT! I drew my strength from God and my family. My family wouldn't not allow me to fall into a PITY PARTY and I THANK GOD FOR ALLOWING THEM TO BE THERE. I did the chemo and radiation, even though on some days I couldn't even get my head off the pillow I PUSHED MYSELF. When I lost my hair, I decided to take on the term and song "I AM NOT MY HAIR" as my TEAM NAME AND THEME. I thank GOD for this JOURNEY because it has made me STRONGER. I encourage other women and men who have to endure this Breast Cancer journey do it with a BRIGHT SPIRIT, HAPPY HEART AND A POSITIVE MIND! It is so important to SURROUND YOURSELF WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE. I will never stop bringing awareness and fighting for a CURE! I thank the American Cancer Society for all of the help and positive energy they bring! TO THE WOMEN AND MEN WHO HAVE TO ENDURE THIS I SAY TO YOU "NEVER, NEVER STOP FIGHTING.

Valerie Freeman
Paterson, NJ