My Journey into the unknown.

I feel brave enough today to share my story. On the 5th of April I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.
I've had a lumpectomy and six lymph nodes removed.
I'm recovering well and the pathology report came back with the news it hadn't spread to my lymph nodes,
which is great.
Unfortunately the tumor was slightly larger than first thought,I went back into hospital to have more breast
tissue removed.
I've had great support from family, friends and work colleagues. Although I've been surprised when some close
friends that have not known what to say so have kept their distance.I don't want sadness or sympathy but
support,encouragement and positive people to help me through this journey.
This week I will start chemotherapy. I will have four rounds over three months.Then radiotherapy for six weeks.
This scares me a little as I really don't know what to expect. I feel lucky that I found it early,considering I was
meant to leave on a trip around Australia with my family and friends for eight weeks...this is a whole different
journey for me. I know I can get through this,as have so many women have lost their battle with breast cancer.I
consider myself quiet lucky to have acted quickly when I discovered the lump in my right breast. although I left
it at first soon as I realized it was still there ,I went straight to my Doctor. Early detection is the key.
In a week or so I'm shaving my hair off before cancer has a chance to take it from me.
I hope that by sharing my story women who have started treatment,in the process of,or competed their last
round of chemo can help me with your inspirational stories.
I'm a wife and Mother of two beautiful children and I'm 41 years old.

Melbourne, Australia