My Journey has just begun

On December 12, 2013 I went to see a doctor after my mom seeing the indentation on my left breast as a horrible sign. The doctor took one look said I had a tumor and sent me directly to over for a mammogram. The next day, he called to inform me that he had arranged for a surgeon to contact me to schedule surgery. The surgeon called me that very day and after meeting with him he informed me that the tumor definitely needed to come out ASAP and that he would do what he could to try to save the breast but it wasn't a guarantee due to the location of the tumor.

On Monday, December 16th I was scheduled for surgery at which time they removed only the tumor and 9 lymph nodes of which 8 were cancer along with the tumor. I am currently recovering from the surgery and awaiting my Jan 2nd consultation with the oncologist and radiation therapist. I was diagnosed has having infiltrating (invasive) ductal carcinoma. I do not know, however, what stage I am at and only that aggressive treatment will be required. I am staying positive and praying for a cancer free outcome.

I received for Christmas a quilt, made by my whole family with a photo album showing the progress of the quilt with notes of encouragement and support. The quilt will be my reminder that as I go through this process I am not alone but wrapped in the warmth, love and support of my family.

Everything I read, and I do a lot of it, is all about keeping a positive and upbeat attitude. That appearances is not about what's on the outside but what is on the inside. So as I take my next steps, I will try to remember all the words I have read, all the support I am given from family and friends and believe in myself, the doctors and God to see me through this. Happy New Year to all, that we will be survivors in 2014!

Eau Claire, WI