How did I turn that dreaded phone call telling me I had invasive ductal carcinoma into the non-profit Sparkle Caps Project during my first year of treatment?

How can I say that I was blessed to have breast cancer?

How did I go from an employer who tried to fire me once I told the firm I had breast cancer to working for the best boss ever?

February 2010 - I was at my office when I heard the angel whisper, “Get your mammogram.” When I got home that evening, key in the front door lock, I again heard the angel whisper, “Get your mammogram.” I put my bags down in the open doorway and went to my den, where I retrieved the order for my nine-month OVERDUE mammogram.

I called Baptist Breast Center the next day and received an appointment for that Thursday, February 4th, which was my birthday. What a birthday present!

When I returned to work on Monday, the breast center called. On my lunch hour that day, I had a repeat mammogram, two ultrasounds and three needle biopsies. Now that was a long lunch hour! Wednesday at work, I got that dreaded phone call. Two weeks later, I had a lumpectomy. Five weeks following surgery, I started the first of 6 chemos, followed by 33 radiation treatments and a year of Herceptin infusions.

During treatment, I asked God to use my breast cancer journey to help others. Using that trial, He allowed me to start The Sparkle Caps Project. We have given over 1,000 gift bags to date to women in treatment for any type of cancer. Over 1,000 Sparkle Caps Gift Bags: These are more than just words on paper. Sparkle Caps reaches into women’s lives, offering them support, love and hope—a soft touch on a difficult journey. We leave the rest up to God.

My boss and I, we didn't turn lemons into lemonade. We turned my lemons into CHAMPAGNE. I am truly blessed because I had breast cancer!

Susan "Victorious" - Victorious over cancer! Victorious in God!

Susan "Victorious" Heimbigner
Sumter, SC