My Journey Began October 2013!

I decided I wanted to lose some weight and went on a vigorous exercise and diet routine. I lost 20 lbs and that is when I found the lump. Shocked, but also saying to myself if I don't touch it then it's not there, well 3 days later I was in my primary care doctors office and sent for an ultrasound immediately. After that ultrasound I felt like I was on the rollercoaster ride from hell! Appointments, phone calls, feelings of sadness and fear and the waiting. Can't even explain how felt at any given moment but I thought I was loosing my mind.

My biopsy took place in October and from there a series of tests to get that awful phone call from the surgeon that I had breast cancer. A 2.7 cm size lump. Stage 3, triple negative breast cancer. Which had also spread to my lymph nodes. I don't know how to explain the feeling I had but it was a true presence of peace and that I could get through this. I felt powerless over this disease but I had the faith I needed to carry me through.

Each day of this journey brings me closer to being a survivor. I am determined to win this battle, no matter what it takes. Don't get me wrong, I can cry at the drop of a hat, become angry and frustrated but the true gift is I don't stay in that space very long. I have the best husband, daughter and support group anyone could ask for. Without them and more importantly without FAITH, I wouldn't be where I am today.

I have a much deeper appreciate for life today enjoying it to the fullest, One Day At A Time!

Coral Springs, FL