my hope

I found out I had breast cancer Oct 3, 2008. I was shocked it was like a bad dream. Things moved fast, Oct 13 I has surgery to remove a lump. It didnt get all the cancer, so Nov. 4, I has more surgery to remove more tissue and place a port for cemo. Still didnt get it all. Soo after much pain and tears, I made the choice to remove the whole breast. It was the hardest thing I ever done. In Dec. I started cemo. By the second treatment, my hair was coming out. So through more tears I watched my husband shave my head. Well after cemo, radiation, and herceptin, I AM CANCER FREE. I thank God everyday for my life and family. A strong family and faith in God, is everything in your recovery. You cry alot when you need to cry. then you get up and do what you have to do to survive and win this fight for life. Now at the age of 45 I have learned to live. ONE DAY AT A TIME. I dont sweat the small stuff. If my grandson wants to play, I will leave the dishes in the sink and play all day.

Tracie Wilson
Burnsville, NC