My Grandmother

On November 11, 2012 my Grandmother called and asked me to come over she wanted to talk to me. When I got there my mother told me that my Grandmother had two lumps on her breast and that she was ready to go to hospice. I was very confused because she wasn't sick enough for hospice or so I thought. What she wanted to talk about was that back in 2007 she had a suspicious mammogram that she chose to ignore. She said she had watched two people very close to her die from cancer and she never wanted to go through all those treatments. So for months she had been in so much pain she said that she was in denial and now she has come to terms that she had breast cancer and her time here was almost up. So long story short we called her doctor and they sent someone from hospice to the house and we were able to keep her at home. They started her on pain meds and after that first day she already felt better I told her if she had told us she could have at least treated the pain anyway, from day 2 of taking pain meds we noticed she slept more and more anyway to make a long story short 18 days from the day she told us she was dying I watched her take her last breath. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Two months after she died I got this tattoo on my right shoulder blade in her memory. The anniversary of her death is coming up on November 29 and the closer it gets to that day the harder it gets for me. She was my rock and will be missed terribly.

Penny Anthony
Zebulon, GA