My Grandma June

My Maternal Grandma June was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1980, a year and a half after I was born. She had a double mastectomy, recovered from her surgery and then moved from Erie, PA to Arizona to live her dream of living out west. 2 years after her move my Father died from brain cancer and left my Mother a single Mother of 2 little girls (I was 4, my sister 9 months). My Grandma gave up her life in Arizona and promptly moved to Ohio to help my Mother raise my sister and I. My Grandma lived in remission for 18 years, when a mamogram discovered a small tumor on her breast bone. She underwent hormone therapy and radiation and fought a brave fight for 6 years. She finally succumbed to the breast cancer in December of 2004. My Grandmother was my bestfriend, my second Mother and my hero. My husband and I were blest with a little girl last year and we named her Lucy June after my her.

Rachel Hoermann
Cincinnati, OH