I met my best friend Victoria around the same time she was diagnosed with breast cancer. During the course of chemo the port site became severly infected and she was hospitalized. The drs. sent her home on iv antibiotics. For 3 weeks I had to literally drag her out of bed and change the iv line 3x's a day. She was very sick but through it all she kept a positive attitude. We would have long talks about spirituality, religion, and God. There was a street light outside her bedroom window that flickered every night. When she would get scared I would tell her that as long as that light flickered she would be ok. And besides that, God knew how much I needed her in my life and He wasn't about to take her away from me! I am so proud of this woman. She is a recovering addict who is currently in school full time and raising her niece. She doesn't depend on a man to take care of her and when something needs to be done she steps to the plate and does it. Through it all whenever I have needed her, she never says "No." I love her with all my heart and I am blessed to be able to call her my best friend.
Tonya KordonisEcorse, MI