My Final Chemo is Here

I thought this day would never arrive.. After 6 months it is finally here but a journey that began in May 2013. It was Saturday morning and I went about my business plucking my eyebrows. I came to bring down my right arm but it didn't come down as normal, there's an obstruction, A lump under my armpit. All weekend I kept checking it hoping it was gone but it wasn't, so Monday, I went straight to my doctor. At first, she thought it was a skin infection my right breast was swollen, firm and a pinkish color. She started me on antibiotics, but within a couple days no results. I was sent for a mammogram & ultrasound and those results determined I needed a biopsy.

On May 23, 2013, while @ work I got the phone call I wasn't expecting; My results were positive for breast cancer on the right breast and lymph nodes. Six days later I was getting my first chemo. Thinking since I had breastfed my 3 sons I would have a better chance in not getting BC but I was wrong. No history in my family of BC so I thought that was a good thing for me too, but I was wrong. No matter if you are rich or poor, religious or not, Nobody is immune. But God and his son and having positive faith can give you the endurance you need to fight it through. Positive thinking goes a long ways.

On August 16, 2013 I had my double mastectomy and removed 16 lymph nodes and after my recovery I returned for my last 4 rounds of chemo. Chemo does take a big toll on the body & mind.
I am now in remission, but I have to say that I'm appreciative of my husband & 3 sons for all their support/patience/love/attention during this time. Also, my many friends were a great support with their positive words, hospitality, delicious goodies. I thank Jehovah for sending them to me and my family. Now it's time to heal and prepare for Reconstructive procedures.

Norwalk, CA