my fight ( my life )

it all started in may 2009 when i found a small lump in my right breast but brushed it aside as nothing, i should have known better than to do that as i had lost my sister-in-law to breast cancer, i also believed the stories that i had been told that if the lump hurts it is a good sign so not true
any way i went to see my doctor and was sent for a check up at hospital, i had an ultra sound , mamagram then was told i needed a biopcy all the time convincing myself it was nothing
then a week later i was brought down to earth when told i had a tumour then came the lumpectomy followed by chemo, radium and tablets it has made me realise how strong these people are that go through these difficult times and now i dont take things for granted
i would hurge every lady to check themselves regually and please if you find a lump dont fob it off like i did , i was one of the lucky ones as i found it early some might not be as fortunate

lynn sharples
manchester, United Kingdom