My dream

The truth is eight months ago I had a dream, my father who has been gone twelve years, came to me and said have a mamogram, I woke up and to be honest I delayed my visit to the doctor until one day a strong wind blew and knocked down my fathers picture . . . I went the next week. Within ten days I was in the hospital, famly at my side, stage1 with the removal of twent five lymph nodes and four months of chemo, I feel blessed. I lost my hair, it's growing back curly, I lost my righ breast, and I look around and count my blessings, I still cry in the shower, mom tells me soon everything will be back to normal, I smile, life was never normal before. I breath, I walk, I fight, and I meet so many wonderful souls fighting this battle. I don't wear my fake breast all the time, and when people look I say "got Mamo?" I gave my wigs, and hats to my doctors office and told my wonderful doctor, "If it comes back im not hiding under anything." So be strong, be weak and cry, know you are not alone in this journey . . I pray for us all. This journey I did not make alone, strangers held me, cried with me, and let me express myself, those are our angels.

sharon carrasco
oxnard, CA