My Diagnosis

I was diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ (triple negative stage 2a) in October right at my 47th birthday. It was hard. I had my double masectomy on December 4th. They told me I wouldn't have to do chemo but now have to do chemo for 20 weeks as a precaution. They got it all as a little went invasive. I am considered NED (no evidence of disease). I will have to have outpatient surgery December 31st for port then a CT scan on January 2nd. Nothing in lymph nodes or blood stream. Just feel so alone and overwhelmed. I am so thankful for this page as it is so encouraging. This is a picture a few hours after surgery. The lady that is behind me I have known since 1st grade. She has also been through breast cancer as well.

Darla Litton
Humble, TX