My Cancer Year

As of this past week, I finished with the last of my radiation treatments, officially marking the end of my Caner Year. And what a year it's been too -- for it was almost exactly a year ago when I first received my startling diagnosis of Stage II Breast Cancer, at the age of 42.

Well suffice it to say, while I can't exactly claim it's necessarily been the easiest thing in the world to deal with, I haven't been devastated by it either, not by a long stretch -- willing as I've been to simply take each and every day and its challenges as they come, one at a time. And always along with the love and encouragement of my super network of ever-supportive family and friends, plus a wonderful team of health care professionals, backing me up. I may have had Cancer, but it never had me....

Still, a lot of my typical activities, pursuits and interests were put aside these last many months, simmering on the back burner as it were, as I focused on my health. However now with several surgeries and aggressive chemo and radiation therapy under my belt, I'm happy to report my overall prognosis is quite good, and I am at peace -- here as I find myself ready and willing to kiss my Cancer Year goodbye, and get back to my regularly scheduled Life and good health....

urbana, IL