My cancer journey

To prepare for turning 50 in January of 2010, I lost 40 pounds in '09, was exercising every day, eating healthy, and feeling GREAT! So it wounded me to the core to be told I had breast cancer on April Fool's Day of 2010. I had been religious about mammograms since my Mom had a mastectomy at age 56, and this was my 10th screening. The news wasn't good either -- I HAD to have bilateral mastectomy -- all my breast tissue was that bad. So on the morning of April 25th, while many of my friends walked in our local "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk" -- I had surgery to remove my breasts and begin reconstruction. What a blessing to find out my lymph-nodes were clear! No chemo or radiation needed -- just Tamoxifen, which has made me very sick, but I'm learning to cope. I have my 2nd surgery in late Sept. to finish the reconstruction . . . and then will need a hysterectomy in November to avoid ovarian cancer, since my cancer (invasive ductal & lobular carcinoma) was 85% estrogen positive. So this has been the toughest year of my life . . . but it's also the year I've discovered just how many people truly love me. The outpouring of support from friends and family has been overwhelming to me. God has blessed me every step of the way, and shown me how precious life is. I'm so very thankful for modern medical technology that exists today. It's allowed me to keep looking feminine (see photo, post-phase-1 of reconstruction) . . . and has saved my life as well. I PRAY EARNESTLY that a cure will be found for this disease. My beautiful daughter and two granddaughters need that hope!

Ruth Andrews-Vreeland
Albuquerque, NM