My Cancer journey 2013 till 2014

Beginning 2013 breast cancer micro mestastasis in my gland had a very large tumour and another one growing next to it 6 months chemotherapy plus 1 month radiotherapy 2 years Tamoxifen and then will be put onto a newer medicine to treat my illness I have just shaved my head as wasnt happy with the growth.Feeling better as the months go by love living and am grateful to be alive.
During chemotherapy I admit it was hell as also was in hospital and isolation after my 5th session during 12 days ,very ill due to my immune system being so low that anything or anyone who wasnt covered was a risk to my life.Hospital nurses were my angels and was lucky.

My husband and daughters and sisters and everyone in our families went out of the way to take it in turns to sit with me and make sure I ate properly even if there were days specially after each session of chemotherapy that I could hardly swallow or talk due to swollen throat and other symptoms.
Give yourself time to heal as well as after chemotherapy and radiotherapy my legs could hardly carry me for months and even bending down to pick something up I would get terrible dizzy spells.
The days I woke up feeling weak I would rest and feel better the next.
Dont let anyone force you to do your normal life just because.
Do as you please.
Try to not let fear take over, enjoy each day doing as you feel..
I know its difficult to understand what I am saying but I found great strength in facing my breast cancer wanting to know each and every single detail.
Here the Oncologist try to avoid explaining chemotherapy in full detail but I told him, tell me EVERYTHING its not knowing that is worse.
Keep faith and enjoy the time you have for you.
I found this helped my family to confront it all with my strength & aittitude.
Sending my love and words with strength to all my lovely breast cancer sisters <3 <3

Aurora Tandon
Marbella, Spain