My "Bump in the Road"

After neglecting my yearly Mammo for 5yrs, I was diagnosed March 2010, with stage 2 IDC Breast cancer, ER,PR+ Her2nu-.

My Husband and I had just celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary. Not the news to get when you are still a newlywed ! We had just survived a 15 month Iraq deployment (1 month after getting married) and the loss of my Mom.

I had 2 lumpectomies on my right breast, the 1st surgery, June 1st, showed a mass and cancer on top of my lymph node. The cancer had spread to my chest muscle as well. The 2nd surgery, June 29th, the Dr. had to remove a 2nd mass, 19 axillary nodes(which were negative for cancer cells) and to clean the margins from the removal of the 1st mass.

I have just finished undergoing my 4 a/c and 1 taxotere (severe allergic reaction to) and the remaining 3 taxol treatments the end of November. I didnt lose all of my hair until the last treatment. I must say October was a rough month , however , I got thru it with the support of my Husband and family.

I am now in the process of receiving 36 radiation treatments. We travel to Syracuse daily(mon-fri) for these treatments. I really could not have gotten thru all of this without the help of my Wonderful Husband, My Family, All of My Doctors and Their Staff.

A POSITIVE ATTITUDE IS A MUST when going thru a "Bump in the Road" such as the one I have just gone thru and am still experiencing.

Good luck to everyone going thru these treatments, Take care, and just remember that the side effects do not last forever!! I am 1 month out from chemo, doing awesome, and going back to work this week - YEAH!!!

Suzette Lentz
Watertown, NY