My Breast Cancer

In July 2008 my mother was diagnoised with lung cancer. A month later I found a small lump in my right breast. I tried to ignore it so I could deal with my mother's cancer. On September 16, 2008 I had a needle biopsy and was told I had breast cancer before I left the office. I had a great doctor. The next day I was seeing the surgeon and on the 25th I had a lumpectomy. I was told I would need to go through 6 treatments of chemo every 3 weeks and then radiation treatments. During this time my mom who was in Florida and I in Tennessee was also diagnoised with colon cancer. We went through chemo together. We talked on the phone often to continually encourage each other. I continued to work as I went for treatments. I finished my treatments and radiation in May and went to Florida to see my mother for Memorial Day weekend. We made plans to see each other on the 4th of July. My mother passed away on June 8, 2009, less than a year from her diagnoise. I am still trying to cope with the loss as I near the 1 year anniversary of my lumpectomy. I thank the Lord that I was able to go through the treatments with my mother. It is an experience I am happy to say we were able to share together. I will continue to help fight all forms of cancer in any small way I can.

Sandy Martinez
Johnson City, TN