My breast cancer story

I was incredibly fortunate that my bresat cancer was discovered early. With no family history of breast cancer, although used to frequent lumps and cysts (always benign) through the years, it was a shock to say the least to learn I actually had breast cancer. I also had ductal carcinoma in situ.
My primary care doctor discovered what he referred to as "striations, calcifications" in my L breast. I had no idea what he was talking about. I had become accustomed to monitoring lumps for changes in size and such but this was new terminology to me. I am so grateful for his knowledge and quick action. Before I left the office that day, he had appointments set up for me to have a mammogram and see a surgeon, because he thought we better have it checked out. I had my first lumpectomy on May 12, 2002 and another one on June 15, 2002 because they were "unhappy with the margins". I had no lymph node involvement, so following my surgeries, I had 6 weeks of radiation, spent 5 years on Tamoxifen, (which threw me into instant menopause), am now a 7+ year survivor and to celebrate breast cancer awareness month this year, I had my hair dyed pink! I know that treatments have come so far and I believe early detection is key. I also had the BRCA testing and do not have the cancer gene so my 2 daughters do not have that worry. They will need to have mammograms at age 30 due to having a first relative with breast cancer. I hope all are aware of family memebers needs for follow up in those cases.
I am so happy to be here and loving life as a survivor!

Lynn Anderson Oppelt
Tacoma, WA