My Breast Cancer Story

I was diagnosed in Oct 2009 with left breast cancer and spread into the lymph nodes. To say I was devisitated is putting it mildly. After the shock, denial tears and finally acceptance of what was happening I did everything I could to make my life right with God in case I did not survive.
I am about to go get my 6th of 8 chemo and then I face surgery. they have put me on an inhibitor for a year as well.
I have been sick weary and have faced a myriad of emotions. I havve learned so much about others and gained so much from this that I am actually grateful that I have had this experience. My sons have been my greatest support. My younger son Jeff lives with me and on bad days he takes total care of me. He is only 21 years old but he has grown up so fast.
I have gotten closer to God than I ever thought possible and if it took this for me to get close to Him then it was more than worth it.
My onocologist says I have an excellent prognosis. I havve reseponded well to chemo and I have an upbeat attitiude.
If I had never gotten cancer I am not sure I would be as happy as I am.
My scariest moment was when I layed on the floor and said God I give you this whole deal. If I live or die is up to you and I trust that either way You are doing what is best for me. To give up that kind of control was a huge step for me.
After I get well I want to help other cancer victims get through their treatments.

McAlester, OK