My Breast Cancer Learning Curve

My Dance with Breast Cancer started with a frozen Section at 35 years! Deemed High Risk the Mammogram/Ultrasound was like a disco dance to start with then changed to a Waltz. 2003 was my last Mammogram The bruising had me seeing a surgeon who didn't know what to do, I said; 'open biopsy with a frozen section', he said 'don't do that anymore' biopsy, then a rushed Radical Mastectomy. (But the surgeon went back to doing frozen sections) Had other breast off for safety. None told me about reconstruction when I needed it but I save a fortune in not having to buy bras! Chemo, radiation with second degree burns to my chest. I called quits to it halfway through my last week. The doctor said he hoped I would not regret that decision. I said if I was to rue anything it would have been having the diagnosis made. The inability to clear the cancer I had my first bone secondary with 18 months. Here I am coming up to my Tenth Anniversary and I have lost count of the bone 'metastases' and I feel just fine. I was forced to resign my job, I lost my boobs, have been sent virtually broke with the pills and visits and the hidden cost of being on a pension. What I have learned Cancer and having a bent sense of humour I feel quite proud of the fact that Life's meaning is 42! Something I have found that works well to reduce 'SFX's' to chemo is lots of anti-oxidants. The Dance I do these is what ever I want to! I Dragon Boat Paddle, I swim and keep a journal and share my wit and wisdom with others. My Aunt had Breast Cancer and lived til 80's, my brother had Renal Cancer which he beat with a treatment purchased over seas, it was the undiagnosed Bowel Cancer that took him from us. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that is why it is called the present, live in the present and smile!

Joanna van der Drift
Townsville, Australia