My Breast Cancer Journey

Hello, my name is Darlene , I am 43yrs old and was just told i have breast cancer. I am not gone to type this and tell all of you im not scared. I would be lieing too you and my self. I cried for days after finding out I have cancer. I was a total mess. I was on an emotional roller coaster . I didnt know how to deal with all of it. I sat and talked with my husband as he was my #1 supporter. My husband and I both did some research online so that I could get more of an understanding of what I was up against. It did relax me some to read about other women and men going through the same thing. After talking with my family and friends and a wonderful doctor I felt alittle at ease. The main thing to do is to have a positive out look on the situation.

I recieved alot of prayers and support from alot of people. It really made me feel good. My doctor Micheal Luke MD. is such a wonderful doctor. I had alot of test done when I found my lump in my breast. It is very over whelming, and scary at times. But I had the attitude of a roaring tiger, I was not gone to give up on getting myself better.

July 10th 2009 I had my surgery, I have stage 1 cancer and getting set up for my treatments. To everyone dealing with this please dont give up and keep the faith. With all the support of ur family and friends it will help you through it. Keep the Faith + God Bless + Keep Fighting

Darlene ^j^

North Smithfield, RI