My Breast Cancer Journey

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2007. I had had my annual mammogram and was called back. On the second visit the radiologist showed me a lump the size of a quarter. I had a biopsy and the diagnosis was confirmed. I was devastated to hear the news, thankfully my husband was with me, because I stopped hearing anything after the word cancer.

I had a partial mastectomy (essentially a lumpectomy) and started chemo at the end of the month. Chemo lasted 6 months. Chemo is an ass-kicker. I was grateful for the anti-nausea shots in between chemo sessions. Nothing can prepare you for the chemo room. You go in there and see all of these really sick looking people and you do not want to become one, but then there you are, one of them. I took my Dr. Teddy Bear and wore lipstick and fabulous shoes. I wanted to add some color to the room.

My hair fell out (right on schedule) and I chose to wear hats instead of wigs or scarves. Had a lovely collection by the end. The tests, scans, surgery, chemo, radiation where all grueling, but I considered them all a part of the Life Saving Procedure. Including all of the gazillions of side effects, but worth enduring to keep living.

I was reluctant to celebrate too much when my treatment was complete. I don't want to tempt fate. There is still the fear that the cancer will return. But whatever happens I will keep moving forward. I had triple negative breast cancer, no estrogen receptor (er), no progesterone receptor (pr) and no human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (her-2), prevalent among Black women. Rarely returns after 2 years. In June I'll have two years. I'm still standing.

Denise Billings
North Hollywood, CA