My Breast Cancer Journey

My story began in 2005.While taking a shower one morning,i found a lump in my left breast.I always did my monthly checkups,because i was diagnosed with cervicial cancer in 1983,when i was 24.I went to my primary doctor and was referred to a surgeon,who did the biopsy.There was no history of breast cancer in my family,and my doctor said i had maybe a 1% chance that it would be cancerous.I got word of my biopsy 2 weeks later it was cancerous.I was set up for surgery and had a lumpectomy with a sentenal lymph node disection.There were 3 lymph nodes that were affected by my tumor and with the new procedure,that was all they had to take.They were beneign.However,my cancer was agressive and had necrosis around the edges,which meant they didn't known if some had broken off the tumor and were in my body.My tumor was not hormone produced.The only option i had was to have the chemo and radiation.Agressive treatment.I wanted to live so bad to see my children and grandkids grow up.So I went for the treatments.It was the toughest battle i ever fought.I had many problems throughout treatments,but I made it,with the help of my family and friends.Everytime I had to go have treatment,I would get up,get dressed and put my makeup on and my wig.I figured if I could make a difference in just one person's life to not give up the battle,it was worth it.Today,I am still in remission for 3 years and counting.I continue the journey,hoping for one more day,one more sunrise and one more sunset.So ladies,if you ever feel a lump or something unusual,please,please take it seriously.Get a checkup.By the way,my surgery date was October 18,the day of my birthday,and a new lease on life,as i continue my neverending journey.

Darlene Predham
Lincoln, ME