My Breast Cancer Journey

My name is Shelley Culpepper I am a survivor. I.found my lump ironically in a tanning bed February 2012. I went to my doctor who sent me for a mamogram & sonogram on March 30 (my husbands birthday) the radiologist told me it was cancer. I was sent to a breast surgeon who confirmed and blew me off so I went to Siteman Center in.St.Louis for a biopsy and within a month had a double mystectomy and expanders put in . After healing I had to do 3 chemos 1 every week for 6 months & every 3rd week I took it along with 2 others for another 6 months along with having my expanders filled on same day , different location. All while working as a hairdresser, cooking, & cleaning for my family .I lost my hair after second treatment (I'm a hairdresser) and my nails . I was given too much chemo which caused me blisters on the bottom of my hands n feet. I had nausea , bad taste and bowel trouble during chemo.& weeks after. I gained weight with steroids by craving carbs. I had reconstructive surgery Jan.2013 I finished hyerceptin July 2013. I am hercept 2 positive. I just had a full hysterectomy Dec.2013 and awaiting my last reconstructive surgery . Well that's the medical part but to explain my feelings and my families' feelings can't be done in 300 words. I know it has ruined my marriage scared my 12 year old son, who now constantly thinks he's sick Or I am . My 21 year old is angry with me for getting sick while he's in college and angry at himself for being mad.My husband can't look at me Or touch me .My family and friends feel sorry for me and I feel angry , sad ,happy to have made it and find myself wondering why I was spared when so many have lost the fight . I intend to beat this and help others through this by sharing the good & the bad .

Shelley Culpepper
Waterloo, IL