My Breast Cancer experience

I had been to the doctors a couple of years earlier and the doctor told me it was mastitus with out and examination. Then I was on holiday in Spain 2 years on when I found the right hand side of my right breast was a solid mass. I went to the doctors on my return who sent me for a mammogram, after a couple of weeks wait they could not tell, so then I had to have a scan and still they could not tell and finally on the 4th May I had a biopsy which confirmed breast cancer. I was admitted to Leeds General Infirmary on the 18th May and had my mastectomy on the 19th and was in hospital for a week. The staff were wonderful and caring. I then started chemotherapy in the June and had 6 sessions, which made me very ill on the night of the treatment which was a Friday, but by Monday I was back to normal and went to work and I worked all the way through my chemo. I then had three weeks every day of radiotherapy and again I worked all way through. To celebrate the end of my treatment we went on a cruise to the Caribbean. It is now 11 years last May and I am still a survivor and grateful to all the staff at Leeds General Infirmary Breast cancer ward and the staff of the after treatment. So I hope that anyone who gets breast cancer in the future stays positive as there is life after breast cancer

Suzanne Andrew
Arroyo de la Miel, Spain