My brave sister

My sister Pam found out 3 years ago that she had breast cancer. She went through surgery, chemo, radiation, scans, and in the end, said cancer was gone. Months later, it had returned in her armpit, and had got into her lymph nodes. Needless to say it had metastasized to her brain, lungs, adrenal glands & everywhere. She was so brave. She would not tell hardly anyone how bad it was, she kept so much to herself. But we all knew. But she spent her time telling us she was going to be ok, this was not going to take her life, and she would beat this. She was never ashamed to not have any hair, when people would stare or ask questions, she was happy to answer them.
She worked in a pharmacy, where she consoled others during their own illness, never once, saying, I am sick, why me, why is this happening?
She stayed strong, continued her fight, until July 9, 2010. She finally was tired of this cancer controlling her life, she went on to Heaven, and left this cancer to die.
Now she is an angel, who has made us all stronger, an inspiration to us all. Her strength, courage, and desire to live, is something I will always hold close to my heart.

Thank you

Becky Slack