My brave mum

As I type this, my mum is in theatre undergoing a 10 hour operation following the return of her breast cancer....I'll start at the beginning.
Mum was diagnosed with Grade III breast cancer in her left breast, 3 years ago. After a masectomy, Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy, life returned to normal. She changed her career, becoming a Care worker for disabled adults, thoroughly loving her work, enrolling in computer course and taking exams for the first time in her life!
Just before Christmas, she found a further lump on her left chest wall, where her breast had been removed previously. A punch biopsy revealed the cancer had indeed returned, convinced it had spread we were delighted to find that it was in fact an isolated tumour and could be operated on. The bad news is, the operation is major, involving removal of ribs, muscle and skin grafts...all very unpleasant yet totally amazing what the medical profession can do these days.
That said, there is an element of unfairness to it all. Mum is only 56, we lost my dad at 50 to the big C too, it is a truly horrible, painstaking disease.
My mum is an inspiration to us all, never complaining and thinking only about the impact this has on us, her children and grandchildren.
Hopefully, she will come through the operation and it will give her time, thats all we ask for.
To everyone out there currently fighting this disease and to all of the families and friends acting as a support network, stay strong and have hope...xx

Leanne Gregg
Sutton Coldfield, United Kingdom