My Best Friend... My Mom

My mom has been my hero my whole life. She has raised me on her own since I was a baby. She has helped me take care of my kids, she is our shining star. She has always been so strong. She found out she had beast cancer a year ago. We went to the doc's many times. She had sergury to remove the cancer. Well things had been going very well, then medicade dropped her coverage just because she is getting (a very small check) social security. They even dropped her food stamps of $45 a month. She is retiered. Now she can't afford her hormone meds. I am not in the best way financially. I had a great job, then technology took over my job. I worked in the car industry. I have had a hard time finding a job. My credit is bad so that leads me to think that is why I cant get any call backs on applications. I have never been fired from a job so that can't be it. Well I want to help my mom, but I can't pay for her meds either. The meds are $300- $400 a month. That is just the hormone blocker. I really want to help her in anyway that I can. I feel that I owe her so much. She has always been there for me in many ways and has been my best friend, my only true friend. She is all I have left, Both my dad and step mother passed away. I told my mom she can't leave me, I want her there by my side for as long as we live. If anyone knows where we can get some help for her please get in touch with me.
(734)444-7410 ,

Bobbi Dudley
Canton, MI