My Battle With Breast Cancer

In September of 1989 my husband discovered a small lump in my left breast. I was only 36, but decided to have a mammogram . I had a sonogram, a needle biopsy, and then the lump biopsied. My doctor called back that afternoon, and said I had Mucinous Carcinoma.
I had a Modified Radical Mastectomy and all of my lymph nodes removed. Because I was 36 and my cancer was hormone receptive, I had to have 6 months of chemotherapy. I had Adriamycin, Cytoxin, and Methotrexate. I didn't lose my hair, but I had never been so sick in my life. I made it through, though and knew I was going to be fine.
In August 2013. I noticed a burning sensation deep in my right breast. I went to my primary care physician and he set me up with a mammogram and a sonogram. They noticed something right away and set me up to have a biopsy. My doctor called about 4 days after my biopsy to tell me I had Advanced Lobular Carcinoma. It was too widespread for a lumpectomy, so I had another mastectomy and sentinel node biopsy. This time there was lymph node involvement, so I would have chemotherapy first, and then radiation.
I started chemo in October 2013 and finished in February 2014. I had to have a port put in because my veins were all shot by my third treatment. It's much easier with a port. After about 6 weeks to recuperate, I had 5 weeks of radiation. I thought it was going to be easier than chemo until I finished with second degree burns. I finished radiation in May.
I had a CT SCAN on my chest and abdomen, and they came back clear. So far, so good.
I am blessed with a family that loves me and some very special friends who have been there with me every step of the way. If it comes back again, we will fight again. I have a strong faith in God, and I believe in the healing power of love and laughter.

Penny Alexander
Ocklawaha,, FL