My amazing mom and best friend

My mom has always been the glue that keeps our family together,always putting everyone elses needs ahead of her own.We were shocked when she told us she had found a lump in her breast and was going to have a mamogram,which led to an ultrasound and then a biopsy.She was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer,but it had not spread to any lymph nodes.She immediately began chemo treatments.It was so hard watching her go through all of the pain,the nausea,being tired all of the time and mostly losing her hair.But through all of it she stayed so strong and was constantly encouraging us to have faith.She continued to work full time and rarely complained.She recently had a lumpectomy and is now undergoing radiation.We are so grateful of the outcome,but continue to pray for all of the many women out there batteling this terrible disease.With Mothers day approaching,this year more than ever I feel so completely blessed to have been given the gift of such a beautiful,strong and amazing mother.

Cincinnati, OH