My "40 Year Old" Mammogram SAVED MY LIFE!

Today is October 15, 2010 that I'm writing this. I turned 40 on October 31, 2009. In November I had my 40 yo mammogram. I got called back for more films. The Radiologist wanted to see me. He showed me a linear form of microcalcifications in my left breast. Biopsy confirmed Stage I Invasive Ductal Carcinoma and DCIS. December 15, 2009 - surgery, chemo port placed, lumpectomy with 2 clean lymph nodes. Tumor size 1.4. Final diagnosis. Stage 1 IDC with some DCIS, ER-/PR-/Her2+++. Because of being Her2+++,I would need chemotherapy. In between my surgery and chemo, I got a blood clot on the same side my chemo port was placed and landed in the hospital on 12/29/2009 and stayed until 1/2/2010 - HAPPY NEW YEAR! :)

Starting January 7, 2010, six rounds of Carboplatin/Taxotere every 3 weeks, Herceptin weekly and 33 rounds of radiation. I worked through all of this only taking off the week after chemo starting on my 4th cycle because I couldn't handle working that much anymore, plus I got chewed out by my Dr. :)

I now get Herceptin every 3 weeks until January 7th. I am doing well, but I live in fear daily my cancer has spread. They won't give me any type of MRI/Cat/Pet. They are giving me a mammogram on 12/1/2010 and I am anxiously awaiting that test. What also scares me is during my surgery they found ALH - Atypical Lobular Hyperplasia. I asked my Oncologist about it and he said the Chemotherapy would take care of that. How does he or anyone else know it did for sure? I am living my life, I am happy and positive. I have an 8 1/2 yo son, I AM GOING TO FIGHT!!!

Sandra Green
Wisconsin Rapids, WI