Moving Forward

My story begins on December 24, 2011 when my 25 year old sister tragically past away from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning. After losing my only sibling and watching my family fall apart, my diagnosis of stage II breast cancer exactly 3 weeks later (January 23, 2012) was more than most could handle.

I knew the moment when I heard, "It's not what we were hoping for, it is breast cancer" that I was going to do everything I could to make sure I lived to see my 6 year old daughter grow up. I don't have a family history of breast cancer and I was 34 at diagnosis so I knew I had to be aggressive in my decisions. I chose a bilateral mastectomy and 6 rounds of chemo. I truly believe that a positive attitude, family, friends, and above all, the Lord are the reasons that I was able to cope with the loss of my sister and a diagnosis of cancer in such a short amount of time.

Now being a 2 year cancer survivor, I look back and realize that cancer doesn't have a "right" time. In my case, I found that in a time of sadness and a time I should have been mourning, I was focused on living with the spirit of my sister with me each and everyday!!

Crystal Bejarano
Henderson, CO