
Let me start by saying please please please get that mammogram. I went for mine Jan 2013 after missing 3 years. Three days after my mammogram I received a letter and a phone call asking me to set up an ultra sound. It only took ten minutes (lifetime) for the radiologist to recommend a surgeon. I have never had to deal with surgeons, oncologists, or any cancer related procedures. Well that changed real quickly. After meeting with my surgeon I was scheduled for a biopsy. And from there, you guessed it. My diagnosis on Jan 10,2013 was triple negative breast cancer. Surgery was done on Jan 17,2013 my youngest daughters 21st birthday. I had stage 2b triple neg bc with 1 lymph node involved. (16 removed after sentinel node biopsy) and my tumor was 3.5 centimeters. My treatment consisted of 8 rounds of chemo and 33 rounds if radiation. I also changed my oncologist after 1 round if chemo , to an oncologist who specializes in breast cancer. Well I have been out of treatment since August 22,2014 and I am still dealing with side effects. I have lemphodema and neropathy. I also have dischage so now I am facing an mri. BUT I have an amazing wife (yes wife) an amazing family and faithful God. I have support from my work and friends as well. The positive in all this is that with triple negative, once treatment is over there are no more meds. Menopause has hit hard, but thank God I have three amazing kids.... I pray every day for a cure so no one else has this path. Please take the time and get that mammogram.....

Missy Perreault
Middleton, NH