Miracles happen

Hi, I´m portuguese.
At last christhmas of 2009, after playing so much with my daughter i would never imagine what my life would bring to me. A month earlier i lost a baby of two months, i was preagnant and a month later something in my breast wasn´t right.
I did a lot of tests and the doctors thought that was something related with the pregnancy, but after a month, the cruel truth appeared i had breast cancer. All my world in that day went down, my daughter was 4 years old and the doctors told me that if the chimio didn´t work , they simply would not do anything else just wait until i die. I was 30 years old at that time and a family....in the same day i went down but at the same time had to go up, my husband didn't accepted, my parents and brothers to, and my hero at all this my daughter, was crying for her mummy.
I passed a year in chimio, operation removing all the right breast and radioterapy and the smile at my face was big because the doctors told me that 50% were mine. I went at the street totaly ball without any problems cause my sweet daughter said to everyone that her mummy was now her babydoll.
It was hard not to cry in front of anyone cause they would stay worse than i did, so until today i don't know were did i get so much strenght.
At one year ago i had the gift from god, against all statistics i went preagnant again and this time it was a baby boy. He was born at august 13, one of the days of holy mary at Portugal, it was my miracle boy, and most importante with only one breast i can give him all the milk he wants from my breast.
God was always there, he gide to see something was wrong, he guide to save me from death and he gave me the most beautifull presente after all the bad things, a son...Have strengh...

Marlene Duarte
Viseu, Portugal