
When I was 34, I made an appointment with my doctor for a yearly physical. He told his assistant to go ahead and schedule a mammogram. WHAT!?we both asked, for one I was too young, and for two I had no compalints about knots or anything. He had not examed my breast so no way he could have felt a knot. He insisted though, so I went. I had been told already after the first most everyone gets called for a second, do not worry. Something told me though, to take someone one with me. I go for a second mammogram on my right breeast only, they immediately call in the ultrasound tech. I have a knot. A rather large one, about the size of a large marble. Though concerned now, not really worried, I am sure it is fibro cyst like all my aunts have had. I go to the surgeon, and set up for a lumpectomy. I get the lumpectomy, and go back in two weeks for follow up. I will never forget the look on Dr Norris face, nor his first words to me as he sits down. "We have bad news", my first thought was NO it can not be bad news, because that puts my sisters and daughter at a greater risk..I know dumb thoughts right!? Long story short my diagnose was a mid gradel phyllodes tumor. It require a partial masectomy, to remove a larger area that was around the initial tumor. I am only thirty four. This can not be happening. He goes in and removes the affected area. and Thank God I have had no new growth, this year is two years.

Gatesville, TX