Mellisa Battle

It was March 19,2014 I had a breast biopsy and was waiting on the surgeon to come in as he came in the room he put his hand on my shoulder and said well it was what we feared cancer. I remember feeling like I was in some nightmare then I started crying feeling as though I'm going to die this way! They ran some more testing and I decided on s lumpectomy so surgery was May 13 when I awoke my family told me the cancer had went into my lymph nodes and I'd need chemotherapy so again another nightmare I decided to participate in a group study to possibly eliminate needing the chemo unfortunately the team decided I did in fact need chemo so I was told six rounds of chemo 33 rounds of radiation to follow. I started chemo June 19 the side affects were terrible and continue to be I'm going into my third round this week. I have an awesome support team my 15 year old son my mama and my Aunty and Uncle they have been amazing. Unfortunately I've missed a ton of work lost a lot of money so the stress has added to what I'm already enduring. I've decided I'm done being a victim of this all I will keep fighting as I promised my son I'd finish chemo and I know in my heart I will win this battle I know God has some amazing things waiting for me to conquer this sickness. I pray for any who suffer with cancer and pray that God be with you all and pull u to that finish line. God bless you all..

mellisa parmann
marysville, MI