Mandy... kick n' cancer

I was diagnosed in November 2013. I was 34 years old at the time. I am a wife and a mother of 2 kiddos. My daughter is 10 and my son is 4. Life stood still the day I found out I had BC. I was 34 and could this be happening? I chose to have a bilateral mastectomy, which was done on Dec.12 (my 35th bday)... Happy Birthday right??? Well, I also had 15 lymph nodes removed and 7 were cancerous. My tumor was 3.3cm. So, my diagnosis is stage IIIA IDC er+, pr+, her2+. I begin treatment on January 15 and I am nervous. I will have 4 rounds of AC every 2 weeks and then begin 12 weeks of Taxol and a full year of herceptin. Sometime after chemo I will have my PS do the exchange surgery to get my implants (I currently have tissue expanders). After that surgery I will have 6 weeks of radiation and then will be on an anti estrogen pill for 10 years. I have not had the genetic testing done yet, but I plan to and regardless of the outcome will most likely choose to have a full hysterectomy. Sounds like fun right???

I have learned in a very short time that my life is forever changed and it isn't all bad. Even with this terrible diagnosis great things have already happened. I realize more than ever that my connection with God is very strong. I have the best husband any woman could ever ask for, my kids are the most precious gift I have ever been given, my family is amazing, my friends rock, and my small community is beyond supportive. I am truly blessed!!!! This is scary stuff, but I know God is walking me through this journey for a reason.....I don't have all the answers yet and I may not ever completely understand, but I do know that I am strong and I will get through this. I will come through a better and wiser person! That is my story so far........

Seymour, IN