Mammograms: important at all ages.

I had mammograms yearly till age 68. No problems. Then, thinking I was safe, I stopped. I felt there wasn't a real need anymore. My health Insuance nurse came for her yearly visit and suggested I contact my doctor for an order for a mammogram. So I did, but our local hospital was in the process of getting a state of the art machine and were not doing the tests for another month. In November of the year I turned 70, I finally had one done. They called me back two days later for more tests and a biopsy. This was on a Friday. My doctor called me on Monday telling me it was cancer, and made me an appointment with a surgeon. I saw the surgeon on Wednesday, went for pre op on Thursday and Friday morning I had my left breast removed along with several lymph nodes. Home on Saturday with care from visiting nurses and my sister. They were sure they had gotten it all, and declared me cancer free. I am so Grateful I had a mamagram, and caught the cancer in time. I will continue getting the test on my right breast done yearly. Better safe than sorry! Very happy everyone was pro-active in getting me the right care.

Sheila Gaylord
Adel, GA